What we treat
Conditions we treat include:
- Neck and back pain,
- Joint and soft tissue problems,
- Arthritic conditions,
- Sports injuries,
- Cervicogenic headaches,
- Sprains and strains.
After a thorough assessment, a diagnosis is made. A treatment plan and goals are then drawn up to help aid recovery. Treatment will include 1 or several of the following:
- manual therapy,
- electrotherapy,
- exercises/pilates,
- acupuncture for pain relief,
- postural and coping advice.
Treatment will help to reduce pain, reduce inflammation ( if present ), restore movement, regain strength and function. Client will be educated about the problems to help reduce the likliehood of re-occurrence where possible.
To make an enquiry or to book an appointment please either phone 07572 574624 or email office@dawsonphysioandpilates.co.uk

Assessment and treatment of neck and back pain, sports injuries, arthritic conditions, and musculoskeletal problems.

To reduce pain and muscle spasm, and aid the healing process.
Clinical Pilates

To help improve flexibility, strength and posture leading to a more toned, balanced and aligned body.